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DSGN 365: Bay Area Design Practicum

Quarter Offered

Winter : Thursdays 9am-12pm, San Francisco (Bay Area Immersion Students Only) ; Pam Daniels


For Bay Area Immersion Program Participants

This course is an opportunity to immerse in a critical area of need and make the most of our opportunity to engage with people in the Bay Area, joining them as visionaries, thought leaders and activists concerned with shaping our communities and world.  The specific topic for our Bay Area Immersion class and community or corporate partner changes each term.  

This is a dynamic, hands-on studio course requiring project-based work and team collaboration. In this 300-level class, you are expected to be able to rapidly engage in the design process, working with multidisciplinary teams on uncovering opportunities, exploring ideas, prototyping solutions (whether physical, digital or interpersonal), and interacting with users.

Design is a way of thinking and seeing the world through a different lens.  You will be supported and encouraged in imagining and creating the future and collaborating with others to design a way forward.  You will have opportunities to engage with users in meaningful ways. You will gain comfort navigating ambiguity and daring to act.  You will emerge less focused on constraints and limitations, and more willing to act in order to both understand and serve users.  
Course Materials:
Expect to spend up to $40 on materials you may need for your prototypes, and be prepared to procure these materials on your own. We also have a budget to help you purchase costlier items which will help advance your projects. There are no required texts to purchase. 
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